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Non-prescription treatment for acne

Soap and water. Gentle cleansing of the face with soap and water no more than twice a day can remove the excess oils and help the "oily skin" often associated with acne. However, this does not clear up acne that is already present. Avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can injure the skin and cause other skin problems.
Cleansers. There are many cleansers and soaps advertised for treating acne. However, these are unnecessary if the acne is being properly treated and can in fact aggravate acne.
Benzoyl peroxide. For mild acne, you may try, or your doctor may recommend, treatment with a non-prescription medication that contains benzoyl peroxide. It's believed that this compound works by killing the bacteria associated with acne and by preventing dead skin cells clogging pores. It usually takes at least four weeks to work and it may need to be continued once the acne has cleared to help keep acne at bay until you outgrow getting acne. It is available in a wide range of forms: creams, lotions, washes and gels. Benzoyl peroxide can cause dry skin and can bleach fabrics, so take care when applying it. Consider wearing an old T-shirt to bed if you are applying it to your back or chest overnight and using old or white bedclothes if applying to your face.

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