Topical Acne Treatment Options
Topical treatments are products such as creams, ointments, or lotions that are applied to the skin. They are used in the treatment of mild to severe acne, depending on the strength. Topical treatments are available both over the counter or by a prescription. Mild to moderate acne generally responds to over-the-counter treatments while more severe acne will need a prescription medication.
Topical treatments available over-the-counter include:
Salicylic acid
Benzoyl peroxide
Topical treatments available by prescription include:
Azelaic acid
Topical retinoids - adapalene, tazarotene, tretinoin
Topical antibiotics - clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfacetamide
Topical treatments available over-the-counter include:
Salicylic acid
Benzoyl peroxide
Topical treatments available by prescription include:
Azelaic acid
Topical retinoids - adapalene, tazarotene, tretinoin
Topical antibiotics - clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfacetamide
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