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Acne Scars with dark spots

what is Acne Scars ?

No one has to live with permanent scars and dark spots that can develop as acne clears .
Acne is an inflammation of the skin that affects people from every country and every culture around the world. In the US, acne is predominantly thought of as a teenage dilemma, as more than eighty percent of teens and preteens will develop some form of acne. However, the condition certainly affects a large number of adults and even infants.

acne scars
Adult acne: adult who have acne is growing
The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. There are various types of acne that range in annoyance, severity, and healing time. The most severe type of acne may even lead to scars that if not treated properly, may be visible for a lifetime. If you or a loved one is troubled by severe acne, here's what you need to know about acne scars and what you need to do to avoid and care for them.
dermatologists offer their patients many safe and effective treatment options. Treatment can diminish scars. It can even fade those stubborn dark spots on the skin

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