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Quarter century home remedies for face acne are mentioned below:

Face acne can easily be cured by making use of the following ingredients, i.e. zinc, thyme, vitamin A, B and E, tea tree oil and Echinacea. To obtain drastic result on your face, use Vitamin B complex. However, there are vitamin B tablets or supplements that contain all the necessary vitamin B that you can take. Stick to the regimen to a couple of weeks to obtain good results.

face acneTo treat acne, gently apply the interior of a banana peel over your face before going to sleep. Rinse the film in the morning with water.

One of the best home remedies for face acne is rubbing a blend of 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tbsp of grounded cinnamon. However, if you have a sensitive skin, do not use this treatment.

Roast some pomegranate or you can purchase ones already roasted and ground to form a powder. Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice and rub gently over the boils, pimples, white heads and acne.

Make sure that your meals include carbohydrate foods that contain minimal amounts of glycemic index.

Blend 1 tbsp of groundnut oil together with 1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lime juice to deter creation of blackheads as well as face acne.

One of the best home remedies for face acne is grating nutmeg together with whole milk that is not boiled. Apply this blend on your face for roughly 1 to 2 hours. This functions as a magic. Within no time, the acne or pimples on your face will disappear without a trace.

Blend freshly squeezed lime juice together with rose water in equal amounts. Rub this mixture on the affected areas of the face and rinse it with warm water approximately after 30 minutes.

Create a paste by blending honey together with grounded cinnamon. Rub this paste on the acne prior to going to be and rinse using warm water upon waking up. Repeat this procedure for a fortnight to obtain the desired results.

One of the effective home remedies for face acne is applying fresh garlic on your face and neck areas affected by pimples. With constant application, the pimples will disappear without a trace.

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